Westboro Tennis & Swim Club Wellness


Here at the Westboro Tennis and Swim Club we strive to offer programming that helps our members reach their health and fitness goals. With this in mind, we have launched a Wellness program, as we realize health goes beyond physical fitness.

We offer individualized and small group yoga training, Emotion Code healing, meditation classes, nutrition classes and individualized nutrition coaching, pop-up healing or treatment events, and periodic wellness workshops. Be sure to read our newsletters and check back here often to learn of our current offerings!

Emotion Code Healing



Make time for yourself to de-stress and find some inner peace. Spend a relaxing hour finding yourself with intention during our regular Meditation Class. Held the last Friday of every other month.




Michelle Furbush, our Nutrition Counselor offers two programs to help our members learn about their individualized nutritional needs: The 12 Week Transformation is a nutritional coaching program that is uniquely designed for each individual participant. Choose to Lose is a 6-week small group class that will help you begin to meet your physical goals as well as educate you on your individual nutrition.

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Contact Michelle Furbush


Personalized Yoga

Want an individualized yoga session specific to your needs and at a time convenient for you? We offer Individual and Small Group Yoga Training.


Contact our Fitness Director, Megan Sayre-Scibona


Beauty Angel red Light Therapy Unit


Learn more about our Red-Light Therapy Beauty Angel unit.  Use of which is included with your fitness membership at no extra charge!  You must be at least 18 years old to use.  Just drop by the front desk to make a reservation.

Beauty Angel