Westboro Tennis & Swim Club Terms of Use

Terms of Use

All text, documents, images, names and marks on this site are the property of the site owner and may not be used, copied, retransmitted or kept for any purpose without the express written consent of the site owner. All images, text, names and service marks are property of The Westborough Club, Inc., d/b/a Westboro Tennis and Swim Club.

Users of this site agree to abide by the terms of the site and agree to release the site owner from any claims or damages resulting from such use. External links provided on this site are not under our control and we do not endorse any products or services they advertise. Any offers or advertisements on this site are subject to restrictions and may be removed, canceled, rescinded or changed without notice. All offers on this web site are subject to verification at point of sale and may be changed prior to or after a sale with notice. Information on this web site may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies, and must be confirmed prior to signing up or purchasing any programs, items or memberships. Material on the web site should not be relied upon for membership purposes, the terms of the membership contract supersede any and all information contained on the web site.